Monday, May 18, 2020

The Theological Aspects Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research is currently being conducted in numerous countries around the world. There are two main types of stem cells currently in use for research, adult and embryonic. This report will discuss the theological aspects of embryonic stem cell research in the United States. As the name implies an embryonic stem cell is harvested from a human embryo. Embryonic stem cells are obtained in two separate ways. One way is to use discarded embryos from in vitro fertilization, where fertilized eggs are donated for research. The second way is when embryos are created specifically for stem cell research. As a Christian it is my view that obtaining stem cells for research from discarded embryos should be encouraged and continue, whereas†¦show more content†¦At this stage, the stem cells are pluripotent - they can develop into almost any cell type.†2 These cells are then removed from the embryo, which destroys the embryo in the process. This is the reason that many people h ave a problem with embryonic stem cell research. The people opposed to stem cell research do not differentiate where the embryos come from. When an embryo has been created for in vitro fertilization and later not used for that purpose, it should be available for stem cell research. In the You Tube video â€Å"The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research†3 the author presents a number of arguments both for and against the use of embryonic stem cells. As I was watching the video I became convinced that there may be no way to have both sides come to an agreement. There is a cartoon in the video with a man in his doctor s office who is completely against stem cell research. He then find out that he needs a stem cell procedure. This caused me to wonder, I wonder what he decided when he found out a stem cell procedure may save his life? The video shows that with positive benefits there is also a down side. One question that the video asks is â€Å"Is it acceptable for an embryo to be destroyed in an attempt to save suffering people?†3 That question seems to take on different meaning depending on which side of the suffering you are on. While I am sure there are some people who would say no to stem

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